How do I make a tab highlight with React - javascript

I want to know how to make a Tab highlight everytime an event happens, in this case, it would be a call. So, if the user isn't in my website in the moment, he will know that a event happenned. My useEffect looks like the following:
useEffect(() => {
if (newCall < calls.length){
}, [calls.length])

useEffect(() => {
if (newCall < calls.length){
setHighlight(!'your state name')
setInterval(()=>setHighlight(!'your state name'),2000)
}, [calls.length])
The above fragment of code sets highlight and so does the user knows that an event has happened and after 2 seconds the highlight will be returned to the initial state.

It seems as though the solution is a combination of:
Browser tab change notification like when you get a new gmail e-mail or a new tweet in Twitter
Detect If Browser Tab Has Focus
useEffect(() => {
window.onfocus = function(){
document.title = "Original Title"
return () => {
window.onfocus = null;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (newCall < calls.length){
document.title = `Original Title (${calls.length} calls)`
}, [calls.length])


How can i execute a function after a form submission causes a page refresh?

I am using shopify's built in customer create, login, reset form submissions which on submit, forces the page to refresh. My intention is to show a message that shows after the page has been refreshed via a button click function. This is what i have so far; The message shows until that page refreshes and then the active class is removed as you would expect.
$(document).ready(function () {
class Alert {
constructor() {
this.customerAlert = document.createElement('div');
this.customerAlert.textContent = message;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 8000);
//create snackbar and initiate
const alertMessage = new Alert();
const createAccountButton = document.querySelector('input.account-trigger');
createAccountButton.addEventListener('click', () => {'Your account in now under review');
Set a boolean variable in session storage just prior to the submit to represent the two states, and then read it in after the refresh.
Something like this:
function HandleFlag(){
var F=sessionStorage.getItem('Flag');
// display your message box here
} else {
// the state is "0" so toggle it just before submitting
I hope you get my drift.

Does anyone know why this code is not working the way I want it to?

I am creating a web app with node.js, express and pug templates and here I am trying to simulate a warning when the user tries to remove a review he has posted.
so, in the front end I have a button that the user clicks to remove his review
when the user clicks that button I run
import { showWarning } from './warning';
const removerStoreReviewBtn = document.querySelector('.side-nav__removeStoreReviewbtn');
if (removerStoreReviewBtn)
removerStoreReviewBtn.addEventListener('click', e => {
showWarning('Would you like to remove this review ?');
export const hideWarning = () => {
const el = document.querySelector('.warning');
const warningText = document.querySelector('.warning__text');
if (el) el.parentElement.removeChild(el);
if (warningText) warningText.parentElement.removeChild(warningText);
export const showWarning = (msg, time = 30) => {
const markUp = `
<div class="warning">
<div class="warning__text">${msg}</div>
<button class="warning--no">
<button class="warning--yes">
document.querySelector('.header').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', markUp);
window.setTimeout(hideWarning, time * 1000);
The showWarning function display everything the way I want in the front end
then back at the index.js file I have the following code
const warningBtnYes = document.querySelector('.warning--yes');
const warningBtnNo = document.querySelector('.warning--no');
if (warningBtnYes)
warningBtnYes.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (warningBtnNo)
warningBtnNo.addEventListener('click', e => {
console.log('Do not remove');
when I click any of these buttons nothing happens (I am expecting the console.logs) and I can't figure out why nothing happens, hopefully anyone can help me.
When you use .parentElement.removeChild() you have turned off all event listeners for those button.
You have two options. You can preserve the event listeners by storing the return value from the .removeChild() call. In order to restore the event listeners you will need to reuse the stored (previously removed) node.
Alternatively, you'll need to re-add your event listeners after inserting the new HTML.
Helpful docs

Event Listener not working in cookie modal

first time caller here, please be gentle..
I am in the process of my JavaScript reflection and having a problem with the cookie modal. You need to be able to have the cookie pop up upon entering the site, the user needs to click ok, it is stored locally, and doesn't pop up if the user refreshes the browser.
I have created a basic modal and written the JavaScript, which partly works, but the eventHandler isn't working.
The cookie value is false, which you can see in the console, but when you click the button, it doesn't turn to true.
I have put the code below and if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it.
<div id ="overlay">
<div class="modal">
<button class="settings_button">CHANGE SETTINGS</button>
<button class="modal_accept_button">ACCEPT COOKIES</button>
<button class="modal_accept_button">Accept</button>
let modalObject = document.querySelector(".modal");
let modalSettings = document.querySelector('.settings_button');
let modalAccept = document.querySelector('.modal_accept_button');
let modalOverlay = document.querySelector("#overlay");
function showModal() {
function disableModal() {
localStorage.setItem('cookie', 'false');
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (localStorage.getItem('cookie') == 'true') {
console.log("Cookie is already in place.");
} else if (localStorage.getItem('cookie') === null ||
localStorage.getItem("Cookie accepted") == 'false') {
console.log("Cookie has been not yet been accepted.");
modalAccept.addEventListener('click', () => {
disableModal() ;
You have localStorage.setItem('cookie', 'false'); in your code and this changes your ls to false every time that your codes run, just remove it and I think it's better if you save your local storage in a variable then use that variable in your if statement:
const modal = document.querySelector('.modal');
const acceptBtn = document.querySelector('#acceptCookies');
(() => {
const isCookieAccepted = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('cookie'));
if (isCookieAccepted) {
alert(`Cookie status: ${isCookieAccepted}`)
} else {
acceptBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
window.localStorage.setItem('cookie', true);
In your code, you have a line that sets it to false:
localStorage.setItem('cookie', 'false');
This will always set it to false every time you go to that page. So even if you set it to true, when you refresh it will be back to false again.
Removing that line should work, as you dont need to set it to false

html file button not clicking

i have this code that checks if the user has logged in or not, if the user has not logged in, it redirects the user to the login page to log in and if he/she has logged in, they would be allowed to upload content on the page. this is the code:
let vocals = document.getElementsByClassName("up");// class name of certain divs in the program
for (let i = 0; i < vocals.length; i++) {
vocals[i].addEventListener("click", () => {
let check = "php/checkCookie.php";
fetch(check, { method: "GET" })
.then((res) => res.text())
.then((data) => {
if (data == 0) {
shout("Login Before You Can Create", 0);
setInterval(() => {
location.href = "logincheck.html";
}, 3000);
} else {
the code:
is supposed to open the file explorer so that the user can pick a file and upload, but it doesn't work, and it does not show an error.
those anyone know why and has a solution, thanks in advance
Maybe your element doesn't support click() on it? If I remember correctly, click() works on on several elements, but not all. It should work on <input>, and <a>.
You could also try this instead:
document.getElementById(`e${i}`).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown'))
document.getElementById(`e${i}`).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup'))

React | How to detect Page Refresh (F5)

I'm using React js. I need to detect page refresh. When user hits refresh icon or press F5, I need to find out the event.
I tried with stackoverflow post by using javascript functions
I used javascript function beforeunload still no luck.
onUnload(event) {
alert('page Refreshed')
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.onUnload)
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.onUnload)
here I have full code on stackblitz
If you're using React Hook, UseEffect you can put the below changes in your component. It worked for me
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", alertUser);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", alertUser);
}, []);
const alertUser = (e) => {
e.returnValue = "";
Place this in the constructor:
if (window.performance) {
if (performance.navigation.type == 1) {
alert( "This page is reloaded" );
} else {
alert( "This page is not reloaded");
It will work, please see this example on stackblitz.
It is actually quite straightforward, this will add the default alert whenever you reload your page.
In this answer you will find:
Default usage
Alert with validation
1. Default Usage
Functional Component
useEffect(() => {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return true;
return () => {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
}, []);
Class Component
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return true;
window.onbeforeunload = null;
2. Alert with validation
You can put validation to only add alert whenever the condition is true.
Functional Component
useEffect(() => {
if (condition) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return true;
return () => {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
}, [condition]);
Class Component
if (condition) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return true;
window.onbeforeunload = null;
Your code seems to be working just fine, your alert won't work because you aren't stopping the refresh. If you console.log('hello') the output is shown.
This should stop the user refreshing but it depends on what you want to happen.
componentDidMount() {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "";
Unfortunately currently accepted answer cannot be more considered as acceptable since performance.navigation.type is deprecated
The newest API for that is experimental ATM.
As a workaround I can only suggest to save some value in redux (or whatever you use) store to indicate state after reload and on first route change update it to indicate that route was changed not because of refresh.
If you are using either REDUX or CONTEXT API then its quite easy. You can check the REDUX or CONTEXT state variables. When the user refreshes the page it reset the CONTEXT or REDUX state and you have to set them manually again. So if they are not set or equal to the initial value which you have given then you can assume that the page is refreshed.

